Why is the sky blue?


Why does the sky turn orange at sunset?
Why does the sky turn orange at sunset?

Why does the sky turn orange at sunset?

As the sun approaches its edge, its light passes through more of the atmosphere to reach Earth. Even more blue light is scattered, allowing red and yellow to pass directly into the human eye.

Sunlight is getting lower, having to travel longer distances and pass through more atmosphere to reach the sight of the human eye. Because the sun is near the horizon at dusk, it makes atmospheric rays at a more oblique angle. As a result, more nitrogen and oxygen molecules and other particles can block and scatter incoming sunlight.

During the journey, some of the incoming light in the shorter blue and purple wavelengths is filtered. As a result, the effect on the color of the sky is reduced so that all that remains is a longer wavelength, creating red, orange, and yellow colors that are presented at dusk.

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